Texting Community Update - Talked with Platform Hosts
- Live Him
Hey everyone! Just wanted to provide a quick update on the conversation I had with the platform hosts. The billing structure is completely changing. With the new structure, I would be paying about $25,000.00 per month to send out the same amount of texts per month. With this being said, things will unfortunately have to change if we decided to keep this going. The way the new billing would work...
Texting Community Update - 7/2/2022
- Live Him
Hey Everyone! I'm creating this post be transparent on why the texting community has been down for so long. It's been a difficult few weeks trying to reestablish everything, you all have been extremely patient with me - thank you all so much. You all have been such a blessing. Why has the texting community been down? As you guys know, I utilize a service called Community. It is a platform that...
Texting Community - FAQ
- Live Him
What's the purpose of this community? The purpose of this community is to provide a service to those struggling with mental health or just need an extra boost in faith and motivation. There's apps out there, why use a texting platform? Apps are absolutely great, but it's easy to swipe away, ignore and never come back to it. When we get a text, we are more obligated to check who it is...